It is Saturday, September 2, 2017 and welcome to the Multifarious Man Podcast. As always, I am you host, J. Vincent. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram @MultifariousMan and the podcast blog at
Now it’s been a while since I recorded the last episode. It would seem that I discovered an affinity for drawing and art which got in the way of writing and recording the show. To incorporate my new love of sketching and drawing, each show will have a custom picture that will hopefully capture the episode’s theme. Also, I realize my theme song is not as cool that I would like to think it is (children can be cruel, especially when they are yours, and like the internet, they have no chill). So until I come up with some top flight beats, I am going to stay away from the rap and focus on an instrumental that I am happy with.
Since my last show, Game of Thrones Season 6 ended with a bang and Season 7 came back with a vengeance. Spoiler Alert! Dragons and White Walkers are not to be messed with. The Cubs finally broke their 100 plus year curse and Wonder Woman broke the crappy DC movie streak. That is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
How to Listen
What to Watch:
With on demand on cable and streaming options from Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu, there is no shortage of TV Series, Movies and Specials from all over the world to sample, explore and fall in love with. Now I am not an expert critic but any stretch of the imagination, but I know what I like, and what I don’t like. If I had a year, there still wouldn’t be enough time to cover everything. For now I will just cover a few from each. First up, cable TV.
Plugged In
When I was a kid when we first joined the world of cable subscribers, there were around 20 channels, not including the local New York stations. Now there are hundreds to choose from. To keep it simple here are few of my favorite from several channels. Mind you, this list only includes shows that I have actually watched.
• The Expanse
• Z Nation
• Wynona Earp
• Dark Matter
• Killjoys
• Twelve Monkeys
• Van Helsing
• Game of Thrones
• Veep
• Westworld
• The Last Ship
• Rebel
• Queen of the South
• Stitchers
• Teen Wolf
• The Strain
Spike TV
• The Mist
Cut the Cords
When Netflix first came on the scene, it was a DVD by mail rival to Blockbuster and local brick and mortar. Nowadays, Netflix, Amazon and other streaming video services are spending billions of dollars in original content.
• Voltron
• Stranger Things
• Ozark
• Marvels TV Series
○ Daredevil
○ Jessica Jones
○ Luke Cage
○ Iron Fist
○ The Defenders
• Castlevania
• The Fall
• The Ranch
• House of Cards
• The Man In the High Castle
• Bosch
• The Tick
• Fortitude
• Sneaky Pete
• Z
• Mozart in the Jungle